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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Why do dry, scaly wounds feel itchy?

Believe everyone is familiar with this feeling. Every time we have a wound that is about to heal, or simply called a scab wound, it usually makes us feel itchy every time. But we can’t scratch it for fear that the wound will come back

Causes and preventing swollen fingers

Swollen Fingers is a condition where water retention. Or fluid in an area of ​​the body causes the tissues to swell. It is most commonly in the arms, legs, fingers or toes, and in some cases, other symptoms may occur.  Treatment for swollen fingers often depends

Contraindications to Donating blood

Donating blood not only helps others but also stimulates the work of the donor’s bone marrow, making the newly created blood cells from the bone marrow stronger and working more efficiently than the donated blood cells. Each blood donation takes approximately 1 hour, starting with filling

Take care of bruises with hot and cold compresses

Bruises occur when the body receives an impact. Causing blood vessels under the skin to rupture and leak blood into the surrounding area. Causing the skin in the affect area to change color. At first, it will be purple, then turn gray or green, and

How to deal with sensitive skin yourself

People with sensitive skin should choose facial cleansing products, facial skin care products, and cosmetics that are gentle on the skin, as well as adjust their lifestyle to avoid factors that may trigger skin allergies or irritation, as follows: Choose products that are gentle and

Shingles, a hidden danger that can happen to anyone

Shingles is a disease that we often hear about and believe that this disease is dangerous because if the blisters spread until they wrap around the waist or body. The patient will die immediately. There are quite a few people who are afraid of this

Why are working people at risk of migraines?

In fact, migraines can happen to people of all ages. However, it depends on surrounding factors and brain function as a trigger. This is an important factor that makes working-age people more at risk than other ages. Because when we observe carefully, being exposed to

I have a headache on one side. Is this a migraine?

What is migraine?  Migraine headaches are caused by abnormal electrical activity on the surface of the brain, which makes it more easily stimulated. This stimulation causes abnormalities in blood flow and the nervous system of the brain. These symptoms are felt through migraine headaches.  Causes

Diphtheria: A silent danger from respiratory tract infection

Diphtheria is another silent danger of respiratory infection. That is very frightening. Because it is easily transmitted. This disease can occur in both children and adults who have insufficient immunity to diphtheria. Patients with severe symptoms or complications may be at risk of becoming paralyzed