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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Athlete’s foot, a fungus that comes with flooding

“Rain, floods, traffic jams” is a way of life that we have to face every time the rainy season arrives. The pouring rain is often followed by flooding that often creates difficulties for those. Who have to leave their homes to go to work or

How to “pick your ears” correctly? And how often is best?

I don’t know what’s wrong with itchy your ears. But if there’s too much earwax It might be time to pick your ears. But picking your ears is such a common thing. It is also necessary to do it the right way. Because there is a risk of causing an

green apple Good stuff to lose weight, nourish the heart

green apple help lose weight Reduce blood sugar, nourish the heart. If anyone has heard the phrase An apple a day keeps doctor away, eat an apple a day. I do not have to go to the doctor, yes, today we will introduce the benefits of green apple that help

DIY customize items appliances around Make life more comfortable

DIY customize items appliances around Make life more comfortable. People’s lives must involved in many things around them. which we may overlook without knowing If just observing and trying to adjust a little, it might help make life more comfortable at โปรโมชั่น ufabet , for example. daily use table chair Sitting

Consuming sweet potatoes.

Even though sweet potatoes are a plant rich in important nutrients. It has delicious taste, cheap price, easy to eat and is beneficial to health. But sweet potatoes contain oxalates that may increase the risk of kidney stones. Additionally, there has been an announcement from the Thai Ministry

benefits of spinach Rich in nutrients for health.

Aside from being delicious and easy to eat, spinach also has many benefits that were unexpected. Because spinach is rich in protein, vitamins, and amino acids that are essential to the body. It also has vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin K, calcium, iron, magnesium. Plus it’s high in

How to choose foundation that works for your skin.

Choosing a foundation color that suits your actual skin tone is like the first basis for applying makeup to look beautiful and natural. And for choosing the foundation color It may not be easy for some people at all. From considering shades, harmony with the actual skin color. Or adding